Contract Management
Gold Standard
Submit ratified contract to “Brokerage Engine”, obtain missing signatures /initials.
Send addendums and forms for signatures. (agent provides language, excludes inspection notices)
Business hours – Monday – Friday 9 AM – 5 PM.
Extended hours – Monday – Saturday 9 AM – 9 PM.
Write and deliver initial inspection notice / addendum with request for repairs.
Buyer Agency Agreements $99
*Enhanced Contract Management services are required.
Using your platform, prepare the Buyer Agency Agreement and required disclosures.
Send forms to the buyer and broker for signature on your behalf.
1 PM deadline for same-day turnaround, available during business hours.
Buyer Offers $299
*Enhanced Contract Management services are required.
Prepare the offer and buyer representation agreement.
Send offer to the buyer for signatures.
Present the offer to the listing agent on your behalf, email summary included.
1 PM deadline for same-day turnaround, due at time of service. (Mon-Sat)
Listing Agreement Prep $199
Enhanced Contract Management services are required.
Prepare the listing agreement, required addendums and brokerage disclosures, save in your drafts.
1 PM deadline for same-day turnaround, due at time of service. (Mon-Sat)
$200 add-on available: ACS will meet with your seller via Zoom, guide them through the paperwork and disclosures, obtain signatures, and prepare your MLS seller’s disclosures PDF. ACS will also order resale docs if requested and submit all listing paperwork to Brokerage Engine once you are live in the MLS.
Listing Launch
Level 1$295
Level 2$595
Level 3$1,250
Level 4$2,250
Brokerage Engine listing submission
Customization is available – tell us your process and we’ll customize ours.
Benefits of working with ACS
Branded TTR Sotheby’s email signature in all email communications.